Facts You Should Know About Restorative Dentistry

Do you know much about restorative dentistry? If not, now is the time to learn! The more you know about restorative dentistry, the better. Restorative dentistry is a branch of dentistry that specializes in diagnosing and treating dental issues as well as rehabilitating your smile to give you the healthy and functional teeth and gums you need. To tell you... read more »

Composite Dental Fillings

The appearance of a visible cavity can change the way you feel about your smile by affecting its cosmetic appearance and causing further tooth damage, increasing your risk of tooth loss. Our dentist may recommend composite dental fillings, and we are happy to provide further information on their placement. These fillings are made from a mixture of powdered glass and... read more »

Dentistry Blog for Beginners: Toothbrush Care

  Caring for your smile includes caring for your toothbrush. All oral health care utensils need to be cared for to ensure they can continue to function as intended. With your toothbrush, it is essential to make sure it is always kept in a safe location that is free of contamination. The better care that you give your toothbrush, the... read more »

Got a Mouthguard? Here’s How to Take Care of It

Your mouthguard is a strong appliance that protects your teeth, gums, jaw, and face while you participate in high-contact sports and activities. It reduces your chances of suffering an oral injury and it helps you maintain a top-notch smile and oral health. However, this is only the case if you take good care of your mouthguard. If you care for... read more »

Halloween Oral Health Care

In order to ensure your smile has the best chance of success this Halloween season, it is important to create an oral health care candy plan to keep your smile safe. This includes improving your oral health care treatments, your cleaning methods, and exercising caution with the products you consume. Make sure that you are using the proper toothbrush and... read more »

Crowns vs. Veneers

Are you looking to improve your smile, but are hesitant as to which type of cosmetic dentistry procedure to use? So many options can be overpowering. Two of the best options accessible in modern dentistry are dental crowns and dental veneers. Let’s look at some benefits of each. Dental crowns fully cover damaged or unattractive teeth by capping the complete... read more »

Removing Plaque from Your Teeth and Gums

So you get up in the morning, or you are headed off to bed at night, and you check your teeth. Maybe you just got back to the office after lunch and you want to check your smile before the big meeting. A quick glance shows no stains, and nothing between your teeth. So, no problem, right? Well, maybe there... read more »

Reverse Your Oral Hygiene Curse with Fluoride

Have you considered the benefits and rewards that additional fluoride supplementation can give you and its effect on protecting your tooth enamel? Although fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral in large bodies of water around the world, we only truly get it via supplementation in products we use to keep our teeth clean. Reverse your oral hygiene curse with fluoride.... read more »

The American Dental Association 101

Are you up-to-date with your American Dental Association facts? If not, you are not alone. It can be shocking how few are the people who understand the basics of the ADA, and how they can help your smile. That is why our team here at Dolnick and Associates in Morton Grove, Illinois, is happy to talk to you about the... read more »

What are Some Healthy Oral Health Habits?

As you may already know, there are many steps you should take if you’d like to keep your teeth healthy. For instance, you might have heard that you should brush and floss your pearly whites every day, but did you know that there are several other factors you should consider? For instance, while there are many things that might be... read more »